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About Us

FIRUFILMS started on 1995 as a hobby, but little by little it grew. In our beginnings, we only used a Pentium II 233mhz computer with Adobe Premiere 4.2, which only allowed us to edit only 5 minutes and then this material edited was recorded on a new VHS by 5 minutes per time, yeap that was our biginnings


But today FIRUFILMS works with state-of-the-art computers, which allows us a faster workflow to deliver to our clients their finished projects as soon as possible.


We use Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve Studio, Adobe After Effects.


We offer video editing & color grade remotely, our clients upload their master videos to their cloud and we work remotely with their material We offer filmaking of: Videoclips, shortfilms, events, promo reels, b-roll videos, documentaries, etc.


If you have an old VHS and you want to convert it from analog to digital and with improvement in 4:3 format or modify it to 16:9 format and increase its quality from SD to FHD (StandarD Full High Definition), we also do that conversion.

We do DVDs with animated and interactive menus if you still wants your videos on SD (StandarD  quality)


We fiming on 4K UHD and FHD video quality


Do not hesitate to contact us to clear your doubts and concerns!


Visit us on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube to see more audiovisual projects from us!




FIRUFILMS empezo en el año 1995 como un hobbie, pero poco a poco fue creciendo.
En nuestros inicios, solamente contabamos con  una computadora Pentium II 233mhz con Adobe Premiere 4.2, la cual solamente nos permitia editar solamente 5 minutos y luego se grababa en una cinta VHS nueva de 5 minutos editados para terminar todo el material editado.

Hoy dia contamos con equipos de ultima generacion para tener un flujo de trabajo mucho mas rapido con nuestros clientes y entregar sus proyectos mas rapido.


Usamos Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve Studio, Adobe After Effects.


Ofrecemos edicion de video & color grade de manera remota, nuestros clientes suben sus videos master a su nube y nosotros trabajamos a distancia con su material

Ofrecemos filmaciones de:

Videoclips, cortometrajes, eventos, promo reels, b-roll videos, documentales, etc

Si tiene algun viejo VHS y desea pasarlo de analogico a digital y con mejora en formato 4:3 o modificarlo a formato 16:9 y aumentar su calidad de SD a FHD nosotros tambien realizamos esa conversion


Si desea tener su DVD con menu animado e intercativo y ver sus videos en calidad SD


Nosotros filmamos sus videos en 4K UHD y FULL HD


No dude en contactarnos para despejar sus dudas e inquietudes!


Visitenos en Instagram, Facebook, Youtube para ver mas contenido audiovisual de nosotros!

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